PPT我要講的內容(WRITTEN BY WENDY),要講關於非裔美國人的橋段,我想應該寫得還不錯吧?其實基本上我對於黑人沒啥恐懼感(大概是因為電影裡的黑人都很好笑),反而覺得白人很神經兮兮,我想這也算另類的種族歧視。當然還會有其他內容,只不過現在我還沒有想到:(
One of my teacher’s husband is an African American from Los Angeles. He is a nice person with a great smile, and he likes 功夫 and cats. They feed four cats! I like cats, too, so I like my teacher’s husband as well. As for his martial arts’ dream, he told us that it is his dream from childhood, and now he made it become the real. How he realizes his dream in Taiwan? Well, he established an ally with his friends who have same hobby as him. He can use Chinese spear and other Chinese weapons. He can 蹲馬步 as well. It is incredible in our mind, right? But for him and other foreigners, the ancient “Chinese dream” is really exist. He also likes cook. When my teacher’s husband visited my family, he took a recipe to us, and it is very special. I mean, Americans like to share with their friends, and this fact would not be changed whatever he or she is a black man or not. He and she are normal people. Like us! So we really don’t need to scare of them or hate them, and have some strange stereotype of them. African Americans are also Americans. Under same education and terms, their performance would be as same as white people, even better.
For another instance, Barak Obama, the American president, is a nice example of this melting pot. His father and sisters are very smart as well, and there are some academic performances of them.
The third example of black man is not happened in US. It’s in Africa. Have you ever heard Ebola? It is a horrible virus which spread through body fluid and touching the dead body. Why is it so horrible? It is because of its contagiousness and cureless. So it’s horrible. No matter who in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea got the disease died in 21-day. So far, there are 5000 people died because of the disease. And the toll of dead still rise. From this event, we can see all countries, especially US, try to find an antidote of Ebola. This is really a global thing! But we cannot hate Africans, because they sacrificed themselves to save you!! You need to be gratitude of them.