The Gulf nation of Qatar is home to exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal and is a key financial patron for the Gaza Strip, which Hamas controls. The Gulf state denies financially backing Hamas, however, and has sought to play a role in brokering a truce to end fighting between the Islamic State extremist group and Israel.
Sometimes people may consider the diseases triggered by food are just a flu. Some toxins which cause the diseases are so poisonous that they can make people die within one hour even their amounts are only as few as a grain of salt.
The discovery of brain researches testified that those who receive the feeling of satisfied slower than average people are less falling apart, less froze, even less behavior degenerated. They accept challenges bravely. Even facing troubles, they not only keep at, but they chase another challenge on their own.
- 1. 我們展開可以幫助雙方降低彼此歧見、擴大共識領域的談話。
We open a conversation that can aid mutual part to put down the discriminations of each other, and can expand the consensus fields.
- 2. 每次的成功,其實都只是讓我們拿到通往更棘手問題的門票。
A fact, every success is only a chance let us take a ticket to solve more trouble questions.
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
(一)The government coalition collapsed amid budget bickering, so the Prime Minister tendered his resignation, but he’ll stay on to head a caretaker government.
(二)Globalization is conducive to the exchange of information, but with the ubiquity of 3C products, personal communication has also irrevocably changed.
The price of petroleum dramatically rises and economic is stagnant. The depression is due to high-risk loans and the burst of real estate bubbles.
Syria is still unrest. United Nations brokered a truce to demand Syria government and anti-governmental army to ceasefire from April, 10th in February, 2011. However, mutual part had still fought after the day.